January 4, 2020

January 4th brought together Elev8 Veterans and Elev8 Premier once again.  We were able to lasso in 8 glass blowers to collaborate on a Heady Functional Glass Rig.  Please take the time to follow each of these magnificent artists. 


Steve Kelnhofer




Jeff Engle




Sean H






Glass By Blake



Chris V









It was an unusually warm day,  so we were able to grill out some chicken and baked beans as well.  We all know that gatherings are with food and drinks, which we never have a shortage of.  This particular day brought out a few kids as well. Kids are always welcome on our First Saturday events, and bring a laughter that gets missed when not around.  


Families are what make us stronger as a community and for that we are grateful to have you all here with us.  We will grow a community of supporters the more we gather. In fact, this Saturday we were graced with Apprentice Blower James @Slumberlandglass.  James is a Veteran of the 10th Mountain Division and was searching for a way to rehabilitate from severe anxiety and PTSD. Luckily for us James won a contest that brought him in contact with Theresa and from that moment on she made sure to mentor him in a way that would lead to healing. Healing takes more than a day, but with glass blowing it will always be there for James and anyone else looking for alternative therapies. 


Join us on February 1st 2020 for our Sweetheart Elev8 Veterans Event. 


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