
Elev8 Veterans LTD
Is a 501C3 non profit charity, designed to take IN KIND and Tax deductible donations and gifts for veterans that are considered our partners.


Your generous donation will go to assist a Veteran in their re-acclimation to civilian life. Donations received will be allocated to educate, train, and provide therapy programs for Veterans and their families.  By providing these therapies we believe we will decrease the opioid crisis and suicide epidemic amongst our Veterans and their families.

IF you would like to make an IN KIND or TAX DEDUCTABLE GIFT / DONATION to this nonprofit charity we will provide you with a tax-deductable receipt, that is making a difference for our wounded warriors and soldiers throughout The United States of America.



Your donation is saving a life today!

VA Releases Veteran Suicide Statistics by State
by U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

We are available to help Veterans WorldWide with our established resources.

Tax deductible receipts are available upon request. Please email for further tax questions.

Elev8 Veterans LTD. a 501(c)(3)
EIN# 84-2695460

Your deduction for charitable contributions generally can’t be more than 50% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) in most States 20% – 40% is allowed.
You must File Form 1040 and comply with IRS Rules on  Charitable Gift donations.

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