December 7, 2019, started off as any regular day for most people, however, for Elev8 things were getting prepared for our monthly First Saturday event. Elev8 Veterans and Elev8 Premier joined together in May with the vision of bringing awareness to the Opioid and Suicide crisis among Veterans and Military families. Ultimately the two are paired together for every first Saturday and want to positively impact the community forevermore. They started strong with a Memorial Day pig roast, as well as a giveaway valued at over $1500. The response was amazing and we have continued on till now.
December was our most recent event, with 6 top-performing glass-blowers dedicating time to collaborate on a glass rig. You will see the different artists as you examine the beauty of this one of a kind masterpiece. This piece will be auctioned off with all the net proceeds being donated to Elev8 Veterans.
Glass blowing or lampworking is one of the therapy options available through Elev8 for anyone interested. We also offer an array of glass blowing classes and rentals to meet your needs. By providing these services we believe that rehabilitation back into civilian is possible, with the right therapies and options. With suicide and drug addiction killing so many of our friends and family, we want to bring them into our glass community. Showing them there is another way and that their life matters. This is what sets us apart from others.
Recently we hosted teenagers of a dual military family. Both parents served in high deployment units and even though the parents chose to have children, the children did not choose to have military parents. Being at war for the past 18nyears has created a generation of “war kids”. I won’t get into that now, keep following to learn of these kids later. By offering these classes we are determined to break the stigmas against veteran and military families. Thank you for your support, kindness, and dedication to the Greater Good. Together we can all break the chains of addiction and suicide.
Piece Coming Together
Steve putting on the final touches
The Finished Work Of Art
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